b'In Brief.BON VOYAGE, HAPPY TRAILS, AND SAFE TRAVELS!The city has expanded U.S. Passport application services to three days a week for the convenience of residents. Applications are taken at the City Building on behalf of the U.S. Department of StateBureau of Consular Affairs on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. Walk-in only. No appointment MAYOR _______________________________________ necessary. Chris Reinersmanmayor@cityofindependence.org Visit www.travel.state.gov for more information or call the City Building at (859) 356-5302 with any questions.CITY COUNCIL_______________________________NEW ORDINANCE Tom Brinkertbrinker@cityofindependence.org RELATED TO OPEN BURNINGCarol Franzencfranzen@cityofindependence.org In May, City Council unanimously passed Ordinance No. 2024-Dave Shaferdshafer@cityofindependence.org O-04 related to establishing safety measures for open burning. The safety measures primarily apply to burns by construction Greg Steffengsteffen@cityofindependence.org companies and developers in an effort to decrease nuisances Chris Vogelpohlcvogelpohl@cityofindependence.org for residents. Burn bans issued via the Kenton County Judge/Executive will be adhered to. Recreational fires on private Greg Waitegwaite@cityofindependence.org property are still allowed (maximum height and diameter both being no more than five feet). Special circumstances may allow CITY ADMINISTRATOR______________________ for other fires. See the citys website for full ordinance details. Included in the ordinance: Chris Moriconicmoriconi@cityofindependence.orgOpen burning is prohibited without the permission of thefire department on undeveloped land and is restricted toCITY CLERK__________________________________ certain times of the day and year.Gina Rawegrawe@cityofindependence.orgProhibited burn items include tires, cars, appliances,construction and demolition debris, and garbage. __Open burning for land clearing purposes may encompassINDEPENDENCE POLICE DEPARTMENT a maximum of two contiguous acres of land at a time andChief Brian Ferayorni(859) 356-2697 must have blowers on them. When burning on undeveloped land, the burn must bePUBLIC SERVICES___________________________ continuously attended by someone at least 18 years old with a device on hand to communicate with fire andDirector Ken Hicks(859) 363-2949 emergency services. Earth-moving equipment with dirt onhand must also be available to extinguish the fire, ifPARKS AND RECREATION__________________ necessary.Program Coordinator Arron Cope(859) 363-2941Those conducting a burn must be properly insured. Burn piles may have a maximum diameter of 30 feet and________________ maximum height of 15 feet.BUILDING DEPARTMENTOpen burns cannot be within 50 feet of neighboring Building Inspector Mike Carpenter(859) 363-2947 houses and efforts must be made to minimize smoke andash affecting surrounding homes.ZONING DEPARTMENT______________________Principal Zoning Official Kristen Martin(859) 363-2948 CELEBRATE VETERANS!The 10th Annual Independence Ball will be Nov. 9 at the Sterling Event Center at St. Barbara Church, 4042 Turkeyfoot Rd. from 6 SENIOR CENTER DIRECTOR ________________ pm to 11 pm. Tickets are $40 per person. Purchase tickets by calling Wayne at (513) 702-3868. For tickets and more Julie Callahan(859) 356-6264 information, visit https://american-legion-moon-brothers-post-275.square.site.NEWSLETTER___________________________declarationsnews@gmail.com We invite your feedback! 3'